Thursday, May 27, 2010

City Light Underground Cables

Beginning this June, Seattle City Light will begin a 10-week underground cable injection project on Queen Anne that will increase reliability of electrical service and add 25 years of life to aging underground cables. City Light is working with a company called Novinium to inject the aging underground cables with silicone. The process fills cracks that have developed in the cable insulation that can lead to power failures. The project is planned to begin in mid-June and is estimated to last about 10 weeks. On a typical day, crews will work between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Cables determined to be beyond repair will have to be replaced and customers will be notified at least one week in advance of any planned outages which may be necessary to replace the cable.
The silicone injection process is a great alternative to digging up and replacing old cables because it will cost less and be less disruptive to the neighborhood while extending the life of the existing cables. The process has been successfully applied to projects in Leschi, View Ridge, Laurelhurst and Arroyo Beach. When we can employ methods that enhance reliability, cost less and minimize disruption to customers, it is a step in the right direction.

Big Howe

The play area at West Queen Anne Playfield will be closed from June 1-June 4 while the rubber safety surface is repaired for warranty issues. The entire play area must be fenced for safety reasons. The play area will open back up on Friday, June 4th in the afternoon. Rain may modify this schedule. Signs will go up today. The fence will go up first thing Tuesday morning.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Parks notice

The Queen Anne Community Council Parks Committee will meet at 7:30 PM Tuesday, June 8th. On the agenda will be discussion for an Off Leash Area at the 3rd Ave W Street End at the Ship Canal and release of Parks Levy funds for the OLA. The meeting will be at the Queen Anne Community Center located at 1901 First Ave W. Don Harper #281-9018

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Parks Levy Meeting

Sorry - this was news in April.  Still important, so...from Don Harper:
If you are interested please find attached the notes I took from the presentation at the April 26th meeting of the 2008 Parks & Green Spaces Levy. The main presentation was by Carol Everson, Director of Finance & Admin Services for the Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation and was on the economic state of the Parks Department. I did the best I could on taking accurate notes and any mistakes in the numbers are mine.
What the presentation says is with out real economic support the drastic cuts being required will significantly change the Parks you know today and how you use them or if they will be there.

Thank you.

QACC June meeting location change

The Queen Anne Community Council will meet on June 2 at 7:30 pm at

McClure Middle School. The McClure PTSA will make a presentation on

the state of McClure and the projects and improvements undertaken this

year. For further information, contact Ellen Monrad at

Park Commissioners - May 27 Meeting

Here is the Meeting Agenda for the upcoming parks commissioners board meeting; passing this along because of the Trees presentation and the briefing on the Community Gardens Program.

Letter re: Parks Budget




May 15, 2010

Council member Sally Bagshaw

Chair, Parks Committee

Dear Council member Bagshaw.

The Queen Anne community Council would like to express our support to limiting reductions to the Parks Department during the impending cuts to the 2010 and 2011-2012 city budgets.

The Parks department has been a good steward of city funds and has continuously adapted staffing and facities levels to address changes in economic conditions. It is unlikely the department will escape the budget axe. But consideration should be given to the reductions made to date by this division. Parks is the only Department within the city that has fewer manages on staff in 2010 than in 2002. These reductions were made during a time of significant growth when the department added new parks (42) as well as additional acreage (75) and community center square footage (~250,000).

Parks and park facilities are essential to the well being of all city residents regardless of age, cultural background, income, religion, or mobility. Citizens of this city show an ongoing commitment and love for parks and parks programs by continuing to vote for parks levies regardless of economic conditions.

The Queen Anne Community Council urges the Seattle City Council to fully fund maintenance of existing Parks and complete improvements already approved.

Parks Committee - April Minutes and May Agenda

QACC Parks Committee April 2010 Minutes

Queen Anne Community Council

Parks Committee Meeting

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
ATTENDEES: Don Harper, Deb Finken, Sharon LeVine, Dana Harmon, and Sheila Callahan

SEATTLE PARKS FINANCIALS. There is a $10M shortfall in the 2010 budget and a forecasted $50M shortfall in the 2011/2012 budget. Budget cut scenarios under consideration were discussed. Some immediate cuts will be made in mid-May to address the 2010 shortfall. Additional cuts will be reflected in the 2011/2012 budget, which will be approved around Thanksgiving. There are two public meetings for input to the city budget on 4/28 and 5/4. A motion was approved to write a letter on behalf of QACC in support of limiting the cuts to the Parks Department during the budgeting process.

LOWER KINNEAR PARK. The final public meeting was well attended. Applied for OFR(?), DNR grant, and a Large Neighborhood Matching Fund grant. This is the first park project with an off-leash area (OLA) in the full scope of park. The OLA is planned to be located at the W. Mercer Place entrance.

BELL STREET BOULEVARD. The third and final public meeting will take place on May 19 at 7p at the Olympic Sculpture Park. $75K is budgeted for art. The group is applying for an NEA grant. They will employee CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles.



Queen Anne Community Council

Parks Committee Meeting

Tuesday May 11, 2010

7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Queen Anne Community Center

1901 1st Ave W (1st Ave W & W Howe St)

The agenda includes:

7:30 Sign-in

7:35 Approve minutes

7:40 Seattle Parks Financials

8:00 Lower Kinnear & T. Wales Park update

8:15 New Business

8:30 Motion to adjourn

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For more information e-mail Don Harper at or call 281-9018.

Queen Anne Movie Guild

In case you didn't know the QA Movie GUild shows movies on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 7 PM at the Queen Anne UNited Moethodist Church (1606 5th Ave W) (next door to the QA Library).
More info:

QACC April Minutes


Minutes for April 7, 2010

I. 7:30 Approval of Agenda, Minutes, etc.

A. Agenda for April 7, 2010: Approved

B. Minutes for Prior QACC Meeting (March 4th): Approved

C. Treasurer's Report (March 31, 2010):

Beginning Balance $2,326.08


Interest Income





Ending Balance $2,107.56

II. 7:40 Presentations

A. Jennifer Shaw, Wash. Dept. of Transportation

1. Presentation of new technologies being deployed to reduce traffic congestion and accidents on State Highways.

B. Ted Lane, Coalition for a Sustainable 520

1. Presentation on the negative impact on Seattle neighborhoods of the proposed “A+ Plan” for the replacement of the 520 Bridge.

III. 7:40 New & Ongoing Business

A. Tim Prouty

1. Ideas for raising awareness about various groups serving Queen Anne and the activities on behalf of the neighborhood.

B. Glenn Avery

1. Update on proposed North & South portals related to the Viaduct reconstruction.

C. Ellen Mondrad

1. Update on 15th Avenue Coalition efforts to mitigate the traffic impacts related to the Viaduct reconstruction on surrounding neighbors, including Queen Anne, Ballard, Fremont and Magnolia,.

2. Motion that the QACC will review and approve any letter by 15th Avenue Coalition to SDOT and WASHDOT commenting on efforts to mitigate the impacts of the proposed Viaduct reconstruction on surrounding neighborhood traffic flows passed 15 for, 1 abstaining.

D. Don Harper

1. Discussion of temporary subcommittee tasked with improved procedures for running QACC meetings involving controversial topics

8:40 Committee Reports

E. Land Use & Planning Committee: Craig Hanway

1. Update on new city-wide design guides emphasizing City’s sustainability goals.

F. Transportation: John Coney

1. Update on West Mercer project.

G. Parks: Don Harper

1. Discussion of process for evaluating Pro Parks Fund proposals.

H. Queen Anne Magnolia District Council: Mike Warren

1. Nothing to report.

I. Michael Lapin: Communications Committee

1. Nothing to report.

J. Social Issues: Allan Panitch

1. Nothing to report

K. NAC: Don Harper

1. Nothing to report

IV. Attendance

A. Members in Attendance

1. Ellen Monrad

2. Chris Grekoff

3. Laura Kleisle

4. John Coney

5. Jim Smith

6. Michael Lapin

7. Tim Prouty

8. Margaret Okamoto

9. Deb Finken

10. Sharon LeVine

11. Jeff Parker

12. Craig Hanway

13. Glen Avery

14. Don Harper

15. George Counts

16. Scot Baker

17. Hiatt Kemp

B. Members Absent

1. Mike Warren

2. Scott Smith

3. Allan Panitch

4. Kirk Robbins

5. Marty Kaplan

6. Peter Lawrence

V. 9:30 Adjournment

Sidewalk Construction Underway on Third Avenue West

SDOT paving crews are constructing a sidewalk on the west side

of Third Avenue West between West Halladay and West Smith streets,

filling gaps in the existing sidewalk network. The paving crew chief

estimates they will complete the work by May 24. The provision of a

continuous sidewalk will increase safety and make it easier and more

pleasant to walk in the area.

This location is part of SDOT’s 2010 sidewalk improvement program and

was selected using Seattle’s Pedestrian Master Plan designed to make

Seattle the most walkable city in the nation. The top ranked sidewalk

projects are ones that fill in gaps in existing sidewalks on busy

streets and that are located in high priority areas for pedestrian

improvements. For more information about the program, see the website,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

QACC May Agenda

May 5, 2010
McClure Middle School
7:30-Adoption of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

7:35: Aurora Bridge Construction update-Greg Phipps

7:50: Ad Hoc Rules Committee-Don Harper

8:10: 15th Ave W. Coalition-Ellen

8:30: Committee Reports

Communication Michael Lapin

NAC Kirk Robbins, Jim Smith, Ron Mason, Don Harper

District Council Mike Warren

Parks Don Harper

Transportation John Coney

LURC/Planning Craig Hanway

Social Issues Kirk Robbins

Police & Crime Allen Panich

9:20- New Business


Meeting Notices

QACC: June 2 7:30 McClure Middle School

Parks Committee: May 11, QACC, 7:30

LURC/Planning: May 17, QACC, 7:00

Transportation: May 26, QACC, 7:00

NAC: May 19, Port Headquarters

District Council: May 10, 7pm, Magnolia Community Center

Or print your own copy.