Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

QACC July Agenda



July 7, 2010

Queen Anne Community Center


7:00-Adoption of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

7:10: Open Forum – Comments

7:20: Trolley replacement- John Coney

7:30: Tunnel Contracts-Glenn Avery

7:40: QACC elections - Ellen

7:50: Committee Reports


Glenn Avery


Don Harper


Michael Lapin


Craig Hanway


Kirk Robbins, Jim Smith, Ron Mason,

Don Harper

District Council

Mike Warren

Social Issues

Kirk Robbins

Police & Crime

Allen Panich

8:30 - New Business


Meeting Notices

QACC: Sept 1, Queen Anne Community Center 7PM

Parks Committee: July 13, QACC, 7:30

LURC/Planning: July 19, QACC, 7:00

Transportation: July 28

NAC: July 21, Port Headquarters

District Council: July 12, 7pm, Interbay Pea Patch

July 10: QA Helpline Fun Run and Community picnic

Thomas Wales Park letter




July 6, 2010

Christopher Williams

Seattle Parks Department

100 Dexter Avenue N

Seattle, WA 98104

Dear Mr. Williams:

The Queen Anne Community Council would like to thank the Parks Department for

its work in developing the Thomas C Wales Park. The public process was especially

thorough and inclusive of the community and the park’s neighbors.

From the first public meeting in March of 2007 through the following three additional

public meetings and extra presentations to the QACC Parks Committee, the QA

community and members of the QACC have had many chances to participate in the

process. The QA Community has been actively involved in the design of the park from

the disappointing start with the first artist through the successful design now being


The current design of the park is everything the QA community asked for. We have

supported all elements of the design from the main entry area with its wetlands, to seating

areas and trails. The community asked to keep as many of the tress as possible and that

has happened. We asked for the mid-level trail so there would be an easy path for mild

exercise. We asked for the upper trail for more vigorous excise and to reward ourselves

with the beautiful view it offers. Fortunately the current bid climate has allowed for

Parks to provide everything the community asked for including the mid and upper level


Every effort has been made to accommodate varying concerns expressed by Wind Watch

Condominium residents. They were concerned about increased access to their property

so it was suggested a fence would be an appropriate amenity to solve the potential


We are appreciative of all the time and effort the Parks Department and the project

supervisor Patrick Donohue have devoted to this difficult project. Under Patrick

Donohue’s patient and experienced guidance this project will prove to be one of the more

successful, interesting, and unique parks in the Seattle Parks system.


Ellen Monrad,

Chair QACC

 Google doc with same.

Report on Metro Transit from John Coney

Several Queen Anners attended the Metro Transit meeting yesterday the purpose of which was to inform the pubic about the study Metro will undertake to pave the way for elimination of the Seattle electric trolley bus system. Thanks to QACC Board Member Margaret Okmoto for attending. Thanks to Larry Phillips for his strong talk there in favor of retaining the Seattle electric trolley bus system. Metro Transit faces a continuing Sales Tax revenue shortfall into the foreseeable future, so obvious choices are between cost cutting and service hours reductions. Seattle is outvoted on the King County Council. Suburbanites care little about the fate of our trolley buses.

The study will look into the possible substitutes for the trolleys on those routes. The most prominent substitute mentioned was diesel hybrids - really another version of the smoking, noisy diesel bus we know so well. Our County Council Member Larry Phillips (4th District) has developed the legislation authorizing the study, certainly a delaying action at this point. Metro will submit its final report on the fate of the trolley buses around April, 2011: 9 months from now. Metro expects to make the decision and put it to the King County Council in their Biennial Budget submission in November of 2011.

But that doesn't mean that we who favor retention of the trolley buses have 9 months to speak up. The comment period on the scope of the study ends in TWO weeks! You can make effective comments on the scope of the study at this time. Here are the contacts to reach with your message: (Metro Community Relations); Community Relations);;;; (acting Chair.); (Transportation Committee); (Director, Metro Transit).

Here are some study scoping points that were mentioned at the meeting that might make the study less likely to recommend ending the Seattle trolley bus service.

- Utilize independent consultant to define likely scenarios for diesel fuel and Seattle-generated electric power costs within the lifetime of buses purchased in 2014.

- Define the trade-off for Seattle transit services between service hours reductions and elimination of the Seattle electric trolley bus system in the years 2014 - 2034.

- Utilize independent consultant to determine potential for loss of Federal grant status, if the Seattle electric trolley bus system is replaced by diesel buses.

- Define the Federal grant dollars lost to Seattle City Light, if the greenhouse gas-free Seattle electric trolley bus system is replaced by diesel buses.

- Define the loss in Federal grant dollars now given to Metro Transit for maintenance of the electric overhead wires. (This loss of sales from City Light to King County would impact Seattle electric rate payers.)

- Define the loss in property values due to increased noise and air pollution from diesel buses vs. electric trolley buses.

Queen Anners: Speak up now and continue to speak in defense of the non-polluting trolley bus system or don't complain when Metro Transit switches to an all-diesel fleet.

Mike Cechvala on Bus Stops

You recently contacted King County Metro Transit about the Route 3+4 corridor stop spacing project. Metro will increase the stop spacing by removing closely spaced bus stops along the corridor in order to improve schedule reliability, reduce energy consumption, and reduce Metro's operating cost.

After considering input from transit riders, some changes have been made to the plan. These changes include:

Taylor Ave N at Galer St and Garfield St: The northbound stop at Galer St and the southbound stop at Garfield St will remain open.

E Cherry St at 33rd and 34th Avenue: The eastbound stop on E Cherry St at 33rd Ave and the southbound stop on 34th Ave and E Cherry St will remain open.

These changes will go into effect on June 26, 2010. The Route 3+4 stop spacing project website ( and rider alerts are up to date. If you use a stop that will be closed, please refer to the rider alert that is posted at the stop for alternative boarding locations.

Mike Cechvala PE

King County Department of Transportation

Transit Route Facilities


Larry Philips on Bus Stops

Thank you for your ongoing support of Metro's electric trolley bus system. I have heard from you in the past on this issue, so wanted to send you an update and invite you to participate in an upcoming public open house.

As I have written previously, Metro Transit's trolley buses are reaching the end of their useful life and will soon need to be replaced. Metro conducting a Council-requested study of the costs and benefits of the various transit technologies available before we make an investment to replace the trolley buses. More information about the study is available online at this link:

Metro Transit is holding a public open house regarding this issue on June 22, 2010, from 5-7 pm, at Plymouth Congregational Church at 1217 6th Avenue in Downtown Seattle. I hope you can attend, as this is a great opportunity to hear more about upcoming plans, and to share your perspective with Metro.

As you know, I too am a big fan of our electric trolleys as a clean, quiet technology that works well in Seattle's hilly urban neighborhoods, and have heard from many constituents on Queen Anne and Capitol Hill who support continuing trolleys on neighborhood bus lines.

Thanks again for sharing your perspective. I will continue alert you to future opportunities to share your input through this trolley bus system study.


Larry Phillips, Councilmember

Metropolitan King County Council, District Four

King County Courthouse

516 Third Avenue, Room 1200

Seattle, WA 98104-3272


For more information:

To sign up for my eNews:

Belated Meeting Notices

The QACC transportation committee will meet on June 30 at 7:00pm at

the Queen Anne Community Center. An election of a new chair will take

place. If you have any concerns about transportation issues on Queen

Anne, please come to discuss them with the committee. All residents

of Queen Anne are welcome to attend. For further information, contact

Ellen Monrad at

The Queen Anne Community Council will meet on July 7 at 7:00pm at the

Queen Anne Community Center. We will hear an update by the Gates

Foundation on the status of their project. WASDOT representatives

will also attend to give an update on the SR520 plans. All residents

of Queen Anne are encouraged to attend. For further information

contact Ellen Monrad at

NAC mInutes from May 2010

Google Doc.

Terminal 91 Neighbors Advisory Committee

May 19, 2010


c/o Marie Fritz

Cruise & Dock Services


Port of Seattle

P.O. Box 1209

• Magnolia Community Club

Seattle, WA 98111

• Queen Anne Community Council

Wk 728-3529, Fax 728-3280

• Port of Seattle


Magnolia Community Club:

Queen Anne Community Council

Gene Hoglund

Jim Smith

Nancy Rogers

Kirk Robbins

Fred Rapaport

Don Harper

Kevin Patrick (Alternate)

Steve Erickson (Alternate)


Bruce Laing


Marie Fritz, Cruise and Industrial Properties

Rosie Courtney, Public Affairs

Pam Xander, Xander & Associates (Consultant to POS)

City of Seattle:

Christa Dumpys, Seattle Dept. of Neighborhoods

The regular meeting of the Terminal 91 Neighbors Advisory Committee (NAC) convened at 4:33 p.m. on

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at Port of Seattle offices. Call to order.


Bruce announced that the NAC Annual Report to the Commission will be presented at their meeting on June 8th at



March 17, 2010 meeting minutes: Don moved, Kevin 2nd. Meeting summary passed.


Nancy told the group that she intends to meet with Marni Heffron about the Transportation Cruise Traffic Analysis

to discuss issues she has with the traffic projections. However, she and Bruce agree that the traffic analysis is a 2010

issue and will be reported in the next annual report. Bruce is just presenting issues pertinent to 2009 in this report.

Bruce asked the group to clarify what the issue is with Nickerson from NAC’s perspective. Kirk and other members

provided clarification. Gene also told the group that Magnolia Community Club and Queen Anne Community

Council have signed on to the 15th Avenue W. Transportation Coalition and he shared a letter to that effect. He

asked that a copy of the letter go to all Commissioners and the Port CEO. Don suggested that the letter should go to

the Commissioners directly from the neighborhood groups rather than through NAC. Nancy said she also received a

letter from the Manufacturing Industrial Council about the issue.


Don read in the Puget Sound Business Journal that the waterfront will be used as the freight corridor and was

surprised that the shipping people want to use the waterfront. He asked Gene if he knew anything about this. Gene

explained that some freight can’t use the tunnel because of hazardous materials and suggested that the letter from

the 15th Ave W Transportation Coalition letter would provide more information. There was general discussion of the

reasons why vehicles will or will not use the tunnel.

Jim brought up the issue of Nickerson and bikes. He said there is a bike path running parallel to Nickerson but it

is incomplete. He noticed another ¼ mile is now paved so it extends beyond Foss. Don explained that Burlington/


Northern RR could move their tracks and the path would tie together different parks areas and neighborhoods.

Don asked Nancy to share what she learns from Marni Heffron about the cruise traffic issues with the other NAC

members and Nancy agreed.

Marie gave an update to NAC about the T-91 Tank Farm that Kathy Bahnick from Port staff described to the group

in February. NAC asked to be kept updated. Dept. of Ecology (DOE) received one letter on the project and it was

from People for Puget Sound. She handed out a copy of the letter to the NAC members along with the response from


Don asked Marie if there would be fewer cruise ships next year. Marie said that in 2011, two of the ships would

be sailing out of Europe instead of sailing to Alaska. That could change the schedule so there will only be one ship

on Fridays and one ship every other Monday but Marie believes these vacancies will be filled by 2012. She said

the reason for the change is due to a combination of things including the popularity of the European market and

the increased difficulty and expense in conducting business in Alaska because of environmental rules and fees.

The group asked if any of the ships that is moving to Europe had “plug in” capability to use shore power in Seattle.

Marie said that one of the ships going to Europe did.

Gene asked about the Heffron traffic studies and whether they provided information on what percent of traffic is

on the viaduct vs. streets. Don explained that the traffic study stopped at Mercer Place so that information is not

available in those reports.


Motion to adjourn the meeting and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.

2010 Meeting Schedule

June 16, 2010

September 15, 2010

July 21, 2010

October 20, 2009

August 18, 2010

November 17, 2010